Cover Reveal | Catalyst

Greetings, All!

I’m thrilled to share the cover for the upcoming third novel in the Winter Solstice series with J.R. Rain, Catalyst!


Back home from Russia, Solstice Winters confronts a scarier problem than a lizard the size of a garbage truck: immortality.

She won’t exactly live forever, but ten thousand years isn’t much different. In the blink of an eye to her, everyone she loves will be gone. Being the only elf in the world is a lonely future, but at least she has her cat to talk to.

Good thing he talks back.

Solstice doesn’t have too long to mourn as someone thoughtfully sends a magical assassin to take her mind off the family she’ll eventually lose. She’s fairly certain the Ordo Sanguinem Aeternam didn’t summon it since they’re far too inept for elder magic. Before she can figure out where it came from, her friend Jade asks for help investigating a stolen mummy.

Upon discovering the mummy stole itself, she realizes New York is about to have a serious problem of the ancient kind if she doesn’t deal with it fast… and someone powerful still wants her dead.

Between an out-of-control mummy and a magical assassin, outliving her family is the least of Solstice’s worries.


Silver Light on Sale

Hi All!

The first book of the Alexis Silver series is on sale this weekend for .99 on #kindle!

(We are working on the second book in this series now.)

For centuries, tales have told of merfolk haunting the seas, strange creatures teasing or helping sailors at their whim, occasionally having them for dinner.

And not in a cordial sense.

Alexis Silver was ahead of her time, a woman too smart to fit into society at the turn of the century. She gave up her dreams of higher education for love, marrying young, but her husband, and the life she wanted, perished in World War I soon after. Heartbroken and restless, she booked passage on a cruise along the West Coast in search of adventure, but adventure found her.

The ship capsized, killing everyone on board, except for her. As she drifted far beneath the waves, inexplicably alive, the reason for her survival flashed by in a streak of silver: a merman.

He had passed along the curse―or gift as Alexis sees it.

A century later, she breaks up the monotony of immortality in the Pacific Northwest working as a private investigator. The long-dormant maternal instincts of her resident Dark Master kick in when a nice older couple hire her to find their missing son and his family. Her instincts tell her this isn’t like her usual jilted-spouse cases.

If she doesn’t work fast, a little girl is going to die.

Cover Reveal | The Devil’s Eye

I am pleased to reveal the cover for my upcoming collaborative project with J.R. Rain, The Devil’s Eye!

Detective Madeline Wimsey tends to stand out with her wild red hair, pentacle amulets, and offbeat methods, but she has a tool few other cops use―magic.

Maddy knows the universe wants to balance itself out, so she isn’t above tossing around a spell or two whenever a killer’s karma needs a little nudge in the right direction. As a member of a practicing coven, she’s used to strange looks, hushed whispers, and rolled eyes, but couldn’t care less what people think of her.

After a man turns up dead in a grisly satanic rite, her fellow detectives are quick to crack jokes. Since they can’t tell a pentacle from a pentagram, Maddy’s happy to get the case. She suspects the ritual to be the work of amateurs, a theory that pans out when they track down the pack of clueless high school students who made the shrine in the woods. Convinced all is not as it appears to be, Maddy asks the Goddess for a push in the right direction and learns a disturbing truth:

The Devil’s Eye is watching her.

Scheduled for release on 11/29/17

New Release | Containment – Winter Solstice 2

I’m thrilled to announce the release of Containment, the second book in the Winter Solstice series. On #kindle now! – (Paperbacks coming soon)

Something big stirs in the murk of the Volga River, emerging at night to sow mayhem and death along the banks. Since Solstice Winters is already stranded at ground zero, she agrees to help, even though coping with giant lizards is far from her skill set as an intrepid reporter for a paranormal tabloid.

Yay for being the only elf in the world.

After narrowly escaping the Ordo Sanguinem Aeternam, she winds up sharing a flat halfway across the world from home with the enigmatic Cristiano, an agent of the secretive organization she may have obligated herself to join. He seems to know his way around the city, and he’s not bad on the eyes either.

Solstice soon realizes she’s tracking a beast the likes of which none of her father’s books have mentioned, a creature unique to Russia that her magic lacks the strength to kill. To make matters worse, the Federal Security Bureau sticks their noses into the mix.

While hunting the dangerous creature, she awakens a forgotten power in the depths of the river that has the potential to alter the course of human history―and not for the better.

New release | Silver Light

Silver Light is out!

The first book in the Alexis Silver series is now available on #kindle!

For centuries, tales have told of merfolk haunting the seas, strange creatures teasing or helping sailors at their whim, occasionally having them for dinner.

And not in a cordial sense.

Alexis Silver was ahead of her time, a woman too smart to fit into society at the turn of the century. She gave up her dreams of higher education for love, marrying young, but her husband, and the life she wanted, perished in World War I soon after. Heartbroken and restless, she booked passage on a cruise along the West Coast in search of adventure, but adventure found her.

The ship capsized, killing everyone on board, except for her. As she drifted far beneath the waves, inexplicably alive, the reason for her survival flashed by in a streak of silver: a merman.

He had passed along the curse-or gift as Alexis sees it.

A century later, she breaks up the monotony of immortality in the Pacific Northwest working as a private investigator. The long-dormant maternal instincts of her resident Dark Master kick in when a nice older couple hire her to find their missing son and his family. Her instincts tell her this isn’t like her usual jilted-spouse cases.

If she doesn’t work fast, a little girl is going to die.