Blog tour | The Eldritch Heart

Happy almost-end-of July!

It’s an exciting few days coming up with three new releases coming out almost back to back. On July 27 (tomorrow), look for The Dysfunctional Conspiracy [with Christoper Veltmann]. Monday Jul 31 is the release date for Convergence [with JR Rain], and on August 1, The Eldritch Heart finally comes out (pun intended).

Check out the backstory here.

I’m pleased to be working with Xpresso Book Tours to host a blog/review tour in support of The Eldritch Heart’s release. You can check out the participating blogs on the schedule here:

July 31st
Loves Great Reads>> Excerpt
Full Moon Bites>>Guest post
Rainy Days and Pajamas>> Excerpt
Amies Book Reviews>> Review
Hike2Forty and beyond>> Spotlight

August 1st
SolaFide Book Club>> Guest post
Treestand Book Reviews>> Review
With Love for Books>> Review
Bookish Revelations>> Top 10 List

August 2nd
Girls With Books>> Excerpt
The Mortal Jessica>> Review
Brooke Blogs>> Excerpt
Celticladys Reviews>> Spotlight

August 3rd
CBY Book Club>> Excerpt
Bibliobakes>> Review
Urban Fantasy Investigations>> Excerpt
So Few Books>> Interview

August 4th
Jazzy Book Reviews>> Excerpt
Shomeret: Masked Reviewer>> Review
Casias Corner>> Review
Abooktropolis>> Review
The Avid Reader>> Review

August 7th
BookWorm8619 😉>> Excerpt
Everything Alyce>> Review
Literature Love>> Review

August 8th
RiverMoose-Reads>> Top 10 List
QueenBeeBooks>> Excerpt
50 Book Challenge>> Excerpt

August 9th
Shh, I am Reading>> Excerpt
Style Reader>> Guest post
The Cover Contessa>> Interview
Book Huntress World>> Review
Hot Off the Shelves>> Review

August 10th
All Things Dark & Dirty>> Excerpt
Hauntedbybooks13>> Review
Reviews in the City>> Interview
Adventures Thru Wonderland>> Review

August 11th
Ms. J Mentions>> Review
Second Run Reviews>> Top 10 List
Bookgasms Book Blog>> Review
Two Ends of the Pen>> Interview

Blog Tour | The Iron Golem

I agreed to participate in the blog tour for “The Iron Golem” a middle grade paranormal that released a few months ago.


Enjoy Happy Geek Media’s virtual tour of The Iron Golem from the Monster Squad Series!



The Iron Golem (Monster Squad Series book1) by: Author Christian Page

Published by: New Generation Publishing

Release date: on November 30, 2014

Genres: Middle-Grade, Paranormal, Tween

Pages: 231

Age Level: 8 – 12 | Grade Level: 6 – 8


Monsters. Mad Scientists. Danger.

Dark forces are converging on the sleepy town of Autumn’s Hallow. Monsters in the woods, mad scientists on the loose and sinister minions lurk. Four young friends must band together to uncover a secret plot that threatens them, the town they live in and the people they love. It’s up to Blaine Davis, Daschle Gaunt, Shelley Merry and Drake Harker, heirs to fantastic powers to stop an evil that threatens to consume the world. Can the Monster Squad thwart the evil Victor von Frankenstein in time? Find out in The Iron Golem, Book 1 of an exciting new series!

**New Generation Publishing’s 2014 Children’s Book of the Year Award Winner**









Christian Page loves stories that combine fun, action and adventure. A father of two, he lives in the Pacific Northwest of the United States with his wife, son, daughter, overly plump cat and under-behaved dog.



Good luck and happy winning and reading!

Tour hosted by…



Mina shook her head. “How much longer, Lonn?”

“The mine should be a few miles down,” the rangy German replied, scanning the horizon. “Peter said to meet us there. He and Ian should be close behind.”

“Good. They should have lights and equipment from the observatory so we can look around.” She looked out the window of the Ford as the dark Roswell valley streamed by. “This could be the find of a lifetime.”

The three had set out from Roswell a half hour earlier after seeing a strange object falling from the sky. After a brief set of goodbyes with friends and family, they set off to chase the UFO, or Unidentified Flying Object, which they estimated had impacted in the far western portion of the valley they called home. They were each researchers working at a US Army Air Corps observatory. Lonn was their boss, a professor of astrophysics at a nearby university. Edge was a visiting professor from Ireland. Mina was a PhD student working at the observatory for her research.

Joining them would be two others. Peter Murphy, the base executive officer and Mina’s recent boyfriend and a strange, weaselly fellow, Ian van Helsing, another PhD student.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Mina,” Edge replied, yawning. “I admit that what we saw in the sky was remarkable… but finding the remains of a meteorite would be extraordinary… still, it beats sitting at home on a lazy Sunday evening!”

Blog Tour | Charming – by Krystal Wade

Charming K Wade

They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and that’s great . . . as long as you don’t die. Sixteen-year-old Haley Tremaine had it all: top-notch school, fantastic family, and a bright future, but all of that changed when an accident tore her family apart. Now, an alcoholic father, a bitter younger sister, and a cold headstone bearing her mother’s name are all she has left.

Chris Charming has it all: a powerful CEO for a father, a prestigious school, and a fortune at his fingertips, but none of that matters when he lands a reputation as a troublemaker. Struggling to follow in his father’s footsteps, he reaches out to the one person he believes truly sees him, the one person he wants: Haley.

Little do they know someone’s determined to bring the two together, even if it means murder.

Available at: Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | Amazon


Many months ago, I had the good fortune to be involved with the publication of CHARMING, by Krystal Wade. It doesn’t feel like all that long ago I was typing up proofreading notes and plot commentary to send back to Curiosity Quills. I would have reviewed this, but it felt like a conflict of interest due to my (however minor) involvement in its creation.

Nonetheless, this was a great book. It’s Young Adult, but the pacing was perfect, Krystal keeps the reader guessing at who the bad guy is right up until the end when everything simultaneously blows up and comes together to make perfect sense. The characters are well-portrayed, believable and emotional in a way that brings you right into the story. Without further ado, here is the interview that Krystal was generous enough to answer, as well as an excerpt from the book.


1. Did you draw on anything in the real world for inspiration for Charming?

Absolutely. I used a lot of personal experiences or things I witnessed to build the characters. Everything one of the characters went through is something that me or someone I know went through.

2. Are you an outliner or a pantser?

Both. This totally depends on the book, but the more books I write, the more I tend to outline. Very detailed outlines at that. Charming’s was 20,000 words long!

3. What was the most interesting part of conceiving/writing/publishing Charming?

Most interesting? Well, I’d have to say that this story, more than any other, wouldn’t let me go until it was finished. I wrote Charming in two weeks (after research and outlining). Two weeks! And while I still went through a normal editing process, I’d never put anything to paper that fast before.

4. If you could wave a magic wand and change anything about Charming with no effort, would you change anything, and what?

I wouldn’t change a thing. That story is exactly how I want it to be. People will like it while other people may not. But for me? I’m absolutely thrilled with it, and that’s really all that matters.

5. Do you see the character of Haley’s father as a villain or a victim?

Ooh. That’s a tough question. He’s a bit of both, a victim of addiction and a villain to his daughter. I imagine if he’d had an intervention earlier in life, maybe he wouldn’t have been such a villain. In the long run, though, he is a bad guy and will remain so until he and Haley come to some sort of acceptance of each other.

6. Do you have any current projects? What’s next?

Well, yes, yes I do. Do you know any authors who don’t have projects going on? I’m working on a book called The Unraveling of Willard Hill. It’s a magical realism novel, but mostly thriller, and I hope to release it in October of 2015. I’m also working on Shattered Secrets 2, which I’m hoping to release in the spring of 2015!

7. What authors do you consider your greatest influences?

That would be writer, not writers. When I need inspiration or to be reminded of great storytelling, I reach out to Maggie Stiefvater. I love her voice. It’s in everything she puts out, and it’s magical and enchanting and inspiring!

8. What was the most surprising thing to happen/be said to you regarding Charming?

Hmm. There’s something I want to say and something I should say here. I’m kind of struggling with what’s going to be okay. 🙂 Let’s just say that initially it wasn’t received well by people I needed to receive it well. And it’s also a book my beta reader, who reads ALL THE TIME AND OFTEN, said is the best book she’s read in a long, long time. In fact, she’s read it several times–and not because I’ve asked!



“Come with me?” Chris pulled his face back but kept his body perfectly aligned with hers, perfectly touching.


“My room.”

Haley took a step back. “Chris—”

“To talk, away from the watchful eyes of Deerfield’s best gossipers.” Chris shrugged and looked pointedly around, guiding Haley to do the same.


Everyone had their eyes glued to Chris and Haley, new CEO’s son, former CEO’s daughter. Very juicy gossip.

Keeping his fingers laced with hers, he led Haley up the deck stairs and into the two-story den. Windows spanned the length of one wall, and a fire burned in the brick fireplace. A few people sat on the sofa, close and cuddling, flirting. Chris inclined his head when they said hello, then kept walking with her up the wide, wooden staircase, along the catwalk and into his room. He led Haley through the wide open and bright space—such a clean, neat space—and to the couch in a little nook created by slants in the roof, a half-octagonal shape.

She took a seat on one of his huge, overstuffed beanbags—not childish things, but soft leather, cool at first but instantly warming. Chris grabbed a remote, pressed the power button, then tossed the thing to his bed and took a seat next to Haley as soon as the music drifted from unseen speakers.

“How do you do it?” he asked.

“Do what?” Haley played with the hem of her dress, careful not to turn into him too much and give him the wrong idea.

Chris took her hand again and placed it on top of his, then used his index fingers to draw little circles. “Anything, everything. Your mom was CEO of Berkshires; people loved you. Your mom’s been away for two years; they still love you. You attend that school—”

Haley slipped her hand free and balled it in her lap. “People don’t love me there.”

“I doubt that very much.” Stretching out, Chris turned on his side.

“How is the school?”

“Boring.” Boring and packed with bodies and not challenging enough to hold her attention. “But fine.”


“Are you asking me if the school has guys, or are you asking something else?”

He scooted a little closer, his body heat reaching across the few inches between them and assaulting her with desire. “Something else.”



KyrstalWade (1)Krystal Wade is happily married to the love of her life (don’t gag) and raising three beautiful children in the gorgeous state of Virginia. They live just outside Washington, D.C., and every day she wakes up to find herself stuck in traffic trying to get there. When she’s not working, commuting, or chasing after her three children (four if you count the man), you can usually find Krystal outside talking to her chickens like they’re the cutest things in the world (they are), or training her amazing dogs how to herd said chickens (which they love), or curled up on the sofa with a good book (why can’t that be 100% of the time?).



Tour Schedule:

Sept 29th: Fresh Fiction (Guest Post) and Reader Girls (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Sept 30th: Coffee Books & Art (Guest Post) and A.K. Morgen (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 1st: Katie’s Stories (Guest Post), Obsessed by Books (Spotlight w/Excerpt & Review), and The Power of 3 Readers (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 2nd: Sated Faery (Interview) and BBS Book Reviews (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 3rd: Matthew Cox Books (Interview & Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 4th: Indie Authors, Books, and More (Review)
Oct 5th: The Writer’s Block (Interview & Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 6th: (Interview) and Sharon Bayliss (Review)
Oct 7th: The KariAnnAlysis (Review) and Bookcrastinators in Wonderland (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 8th: Reese’s Reviews (Spotlight w/Excerpt & Review)
Oct 9th: Vicki Keire (Interview)
Oct 10th: A Creative Mind (Review) and Bending The Spine (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 12th: Elizabeth Seckman, Author (Guest Post)
Oct 13th: Paranormal Book Club (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 15th: Kindle and Me (Spotlight w/Excerpt & Review) and Eliza Tilton (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 16th: Summer Weir (Spotlight w/Excerpt)
Oct 17th: Lisa’s Book Lair (Guest Post ) and Epic Narrative Book Reviews (Guest Post)

Caller 107 Blog Tour

From July 21st – August 1st, 2014 excluding weekends, a group of wonderful bloggers will host interviews, excerpts, and reviews for Caller 107. We are also doing a Rafflecopter giveaway in which you could win a signed copy, and a $25 Amazon gift card. Curiosity Quills is also hosting a Goodreads giveaway for a paperback copy of Caller 107.
I am grateful for such a huge showing of support and interest, especially since Caller 107 is a departure from my usual genre. While this is my third released title, I am as excited as if it were my first.


Diane Riggins at A Creative Mind – Review
Christie Gibrich at Teen Librarian Toolbox – Book Spotlight

Jennifer Melanson at The Cubicle Escapee – Interview
Ann-Marie Beaumont at Darkness Beckons – Excerpt

Matthew Graybosch at A Day Job and a Dream – Excerpt
Mallory Anne-Marie Forbes at Mallory Heart Reviews – Review
Becky at Becky’s Barmy Book Blog – Book Spotlight


Erika at Wonderful Monster – Review
Sarah Cass at Sarah’s StoryLines – Excerpt

Sandra at JeanzBookReadNReview – Interview
Rakib at I Hate Critics – Excerpt


Kevin Craig at Kevin Craig  – Excerpt
James Wymore at James Wymore – Book Spotlight

Elsie Elmore at Elsie Elmore – Interview
Sarit at Coffee Boks & Art – Excerpt

Merisha Abbott at Blissful Book Reviews – Excerpt
Vicki L. Weavil at Vicki Lemp Weavil – Interview
E. M. LaBonte – Interview
Sandra Almazan – Interview
Terri Bruce – Interview
T.W. Fendley – Interview

Katie Teller at Katie’s Stories – Book Spotlight
Charlie Anderson at Girl of 1000 Wonders – Excerpt

Elle Klass at The Troubled Oyster – Excerpt
Amberr Meadows at Like a Bump on a Blog – Review


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Caller 107 by Matthew S. Cox

Caller 107

by Matthew S. Cox

Giveaway ends August 21, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

a Rafflecopter giveaway