The Eldritch Heart Release


The Eldritch Heart is about two months away. In hopes of getting the word out, I’ve decided to try this Thunderclap thing again. For those who aren’t familiar, Thunderclap is a service that sets up automatic tweets or Facebook posts on a specific date. Supporting a Thunderclap involves clicking a button on a website, and then on the specified date, the system posts one tweet or one Facebook post (or both) on your behalf to spread the word. It costs nothing and takes about 20 seconds.

I would greatly appreciate any support for helping out here:

Also, on August 1st (release day), please join me on Facebook for an online release event. We’ll have contests and giveaways (all within the FB event thread).

In other updates, I’ll soon be posting an interview with Author Wilbert Stanton around his upcoming release Gears of Fate.

Also, I am thrilled to announce that my upper middle-grade post-apocalyptic novel, Citadel: The Concordant Sequence, has been signed for publication by Curiosity Quills Press!


Happy reading!
