The Burning Alchemist

Brooklyn Amari is so excited to have a kid, she’s beside herself—literally.

The six-year-old isn’t her daughter, but a copy of her in all ways except age. Despite a seventeen-year age gap, being around Pandora makes her feel like a kid again, which means mischief. Who has time to destroy all of creation when there are pranks to play?

Brooklyn inherited powers some might call demonic from her father, but also epic laziness. From her mother, she came down with a severe case of conscience. While she tries to do the right thing, having little respect for the law and weak impulse control sometimes results in destructive shortcuts, blood, and screaming.

Lawrence again asks for her help investigating a fire. Upon learning eighteen people died, Mom’s gift of morality cramps her desire to laze around having fun. Once a psychic hit reveals how twisted the arsonist is, Brooklyn fully commits to hunting him down.

Problem is: he knows she’s coming… and her friends aren’t fireproof.

Series: Temporal Armistice (5)
Genre: Urban fantasy, magic, paranormal
Intended audience: 16+
Available from: Amazon

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